Book Review - Kurashi no Origami Zakka

We have so many ideas about Origamisan. Occasionally, we mention about these and say later, in the future etc. Please do not let this confuse you as we are not ignoring anything and make a note of every idea we come up with or every model that we think will be useful. However we try to present all of these in a particular plan.
Here we go as we mentioned earlier; a book review.

Name of the Book: Original name; 暮らしの折り紙雑貨 (Kurashi no Origami Zakka)
Writer: 山口 真 (Makoto Yamaguchi )
Release Date: 2004
Language: Japanese
Page Number: 215
ISBN Code: ISBN978-4-8163-3792-5
Order: To order from Amazon please click. To order from Be Nippon please click.
Comments: We choose this book first because it is our favourite Origami book. The book has many beautiful photographs with life settings so that Origami involves in your life. The diagrammes are well illustrated although sometimes you may need to read the description. Due to copyright restrictions we do not use many models from this book however this napkin ring is from this book. In the future we will be showing some models which are already released on the internet or only the finished pieces which we made by ourselves.


2009-04-14 02:30 Categories:

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